20-22 MAY 2024
20-22 MAY 2024
Strategic Competition: The Complexity of Interdependence
The 2024 Global Security Forum took place from May 20-22 in Doha, Qatar. The theme of this year’s forum was Strategic Competition: The Complexity of Interdependence. The conference addressed today’s global security challenges within the context of strategic competition while assessing both risks and opportunities that result from complex interdependence. This year’s forum included discussions on topics such as: supply chain management; climate change as a threat multiplier; energy security; essential technologies such as high-end semiconductors; food insecurity; and the practice of hostage-taking by state and non-state actors, among other related topics.

H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani
Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
State of Qatar


H.E. Mohammed Shia Al Sudani

H.E. K. Shanmugam
Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law
Republic of Singapore

H.E. Ali Ihusaan
Minister of Homeland Security and Technology
Republic of Maldives

H.E. Robert Dussey
Minister of Foreign Affairs
African Integration and Togolese Abroad
Republic of Togo

Amb. Ahmed Abubakar
Director General
National Intelligence Agency
Federal Republic of Nigeria

Mr. Paul Abbate
Deputy Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
United States

Ms. Christine Abizaid
National Counterterrorism Center
United States

Amb. Roger Carstens
Special Presidential Envoy
for Hostage Affairs
United States

Mr. Andhika Chrisnayudhanto
Deputy for International Cooperation
National Counter-Terrorism Agency
Republic of Indonesia

Mr. Mohammed Sahib Al-Daraji
Advisor to the Prime Minister
Republic of Iraq

Hon. AMBASSADOR Timmy T. Davis
U.S. Ambassador to
the State of Qatar

Dr. Thanos Dokos
National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of Greece
Hellenic Republic

The African Union Commission

Mr. Martin Griffiths
Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator
United Nations

Mr. Armen Grigoryan
Security Council of Armenia
The Republic of Armenia

Mr. Rajiv Maan
Hostage Recovery Fusion Cell (FBI)
United States

Ms. Anjana Rajan
Assistant National Cyber Director
The White House
United States

Dr. Julie Sunday
Assistant Deputy Minister, Consular, Security and Emergency Management, and Senior Official for Hostage Affairs

Ms. Rebecca Weiner
Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism
New York City Police Department
United States

Dr. Ahmad Antar
Founder and Executive Director
Digital Emissions

Ms. Mina Al-Oraibi
The National

Dr. Adejoké Babington-Ashaye
Senior Research Fellow
The Soufan Center

Hon. Djibril Bassolé
Former Foreign Minister
Burkina Faso .

Mr. Peter Bergen
Vice President of Global Studies and Fellows at New America;
CNN National Security Analyst

Dr. Ronen Bergman
Staff Writer
The New York Times

Hon. Marshall Billingslea
Senior Fellow
Hudson Institute

Dr. Anneli Botha
Extraordinary Professor of Practice
North-West University

Ms. Diana Buttu
Lawyer and Legal Analyst

Ms. Naureen Chowdhury Fink
Executive Director
Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism

Dr. Colin P. Clarke
Director of Policy and Research
The Soufan Group

Mr. Steve Clemons
Host and political commentator
The Bottom Line
Al Jazeera English

Col. Chris Costa (RET)
Executive Director,
International Spy Museum
and former Special Assistant to
the President & Senior Director for Counterterrorism,
U.S. National Security Council

Ms. Jessica Davis
Senior Visiting Fellow
The Soufan Center
& Insight Threat Intelligence

Mr. Adam Goldman
The New York Times

Ms. Karen J. Greenberg
Director, Center on National Security
Fordham University
and Senior Visiting Fellow, The Soufan Center

Mr. Steven Hill
Executive Secretary
The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law

Dr. Amira Jadoon
Assistant Professor
Clemson University, College of Behavioral
Social, and Health Sciences

Dr. Marc O. Jones
Associate Professor
College of Humanities and Social Science
Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Dr. Thomas Juneau
Associate Professor
University of Ottawa

H.E. Hekmat Karzai
Center for Conflict and Peace Studies
Former Deputy Foreign Minister

Amb. Bilahari Kausikan
Chairman, Middle East Institute
National University Singapore
and former Ambassador-at-Large
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Singapore

Ms. Brianna Keilar
“CNN News Central”

Dr. Elisabeth Kendall
The Mistress of Girton College
University of Cambridge

Mr. Rami Khouri
Director of Global Engagement, American
University of Beirut

Dr. Carolyn Kissane
Assistant Dean
NYU Center on Global Affairs

Dr. Lyla Kohistany
Senior Fellow
The Soufan Center

Mr. Ioannis “Gianni” Koskinas
Chief Executive Officer
Hoplite Group

Mr. Idriss Mounir Lallali
Deputy Director and Acting (Interim)
Director, African Centre for the Study and Research on _Terrorism (ACSRT)

Mr. Gideon Levy
Columnist and Member of Editorial Board

Jonathan Lord
Senior Fellow and Director
Middle East Security Program
Center for a New America

Mr. Mark Mazzetti
Washington Investigative Correspondent
New York Times

General Austin S. Miller (ret.)
Senior Fellow
Combatting Terrorism Center at West Point

Mr. John Miller
Chief of Law Enforcement and Intelligence Analyst, CNN, Board Of Directors, The Soufan Center

Ms. Ornella Moderan
Independent Researcher for Sahel and West Africa
Global Initiative Expert Network

Mr. Wassim Nasr
Journalist, FRANCE 24 and
Senior Research Fellow at
The Soufan Center

Ms. Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali
Victim Advocate

Ambassador Robert O'Brien
Former National Security Advisor
Co-Founder & Chairman, United States
American Global Strategies

Dr. Andrew L. Oros
Professor of Political Science and International Studies
Director, International Studies Program Washington College

Mr. Bradley Peniston
Executive Editor
Defense One

Amb. J. Peter Pham
Atlantic Council

Dr. Ilan Pappe
European Centre for Palestine Studies
University of Exeter

Dr. Neil Quilliam
Associate Fellow
Middle East and North Africa Programme
Chatham House

Ms. Heidi Crebo-Rediker
Adjunct Senior Fellow
Center for Geoeconomic Studies
Council on Foreign Relations

Dr. Thomas Renard
International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT)
The Hague

Mr. Max Rose
Former Congressman
from New York
United States

AMB. nathan sales
Senior Fellow
The Soufan Center

Dr. David Scharia
Director and Chief of Branch
United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate

Ms. Mariam Shahin
Director, writer and documentary film maker

Ms. Folly Bah Thibault
Principal Presenter
Al Jazeera English

Dr. Ali Vaez
Senior Advisor to the President & Project Director Iran
International Crisis Group

Mr. Ali Velshi
Host of “Velshi” and Chief Correspondent

Board of Directors
The Soufan Center

Mr. Ali Wyne
Senior Research and Advocacy Advisor
U.S.-China, International Crisis Group

Ms. Helen Zhang
International Strategy Forum